Kirkcolm, Leswalt, and Portpatrick Primaries are jointly the first schools in the Dumfries and Galloway authority to be awarded the prestigious Digital Schools Award Endorsement Award.  Having previously achieved the Digital Schools Award together, we were invited to submit for this new award.  The accolade is an endorsement of the three schools continuing excellence and development in digital learning and teaching.

In order to achieve the award our schools were required to evidence a continuing journey of self-reflection and development in digital learning and teaching.  There were six key criterion that had to be met; namely: Professional Learning, Learning and Teaching, Innovation, Leadership & Vision, Managing Challenges and Resources & Infrastructure

Validator Malcolm Wilson of Digital Schools Award commented that:

It is a privilege to have undertaken the validation process for the Kirkcolm, Leswalt and Portpatrick Partnership of schools to confirm the Endorsement Award to the Digital Schools Award. The schools demonstrated, through their continuing development of effective and varied digital learning and teaching, an understanding of what it means to be digitally literate schools.

We are committed to supporting our children to be develop the skills for learning, life and work in today’s technologically advancing world.